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Změna provozní doby obchodní kanceláře Hořovice: 23.12.2024 zavřeno, 30.12.2024 zavřeno. Děkujeme za pochopení.


Změna provozní doby zákaznické centrum Zápy: 23.12.2024 zavřeno. Děkujeme za pochopení.


Změna provozní doby zákaznického centra Beroun: 23.12.2024 do 15 hodin, 27.12.2024 zavřeno, 30.12.2024 do 15 hodin, 31.12.2024 do 12 hodin. Děkujeme za pochopení.


Vážení zákazníci, spustili jsme pro Vás nový zákaznický portál, dostupný je přes odkaz MŮJ ÚČET.

Joint-stock company Vodovody a kanalizace Beroun is the largest owner and operator of water management facilities in Beroun and Hořovice districts and moreover, it operates in Příbram and Prague West districts

Water management assets of VAK Beroun represent roughly 1 billion crowns. Assets of the same value are being operated by the company for municipalities. VAK Beroun supplies drinking water to more than 90 thousand inhabitants and provides waste water disposal for 65 thousand inhabitants.

The joint-stock company was established on January 1, 1994 based on a privatization project as the successor of the state-owned company Středočeské vodovody a kanalizace, Beroun plant. Municipalities and holders of investment coupons became shareholders of the company. Since December 2003, ENERGIE AG BOHEMIA s.r.o. has been the majority owner of the company, with ownership of almost 60 percent of shares. Other main shareholders are the towns of Beroun, Hořovice, Králův Dvůr, Zdice and Žebrák, which have been holding almost 27 percent of shares. Based on the Shareholders’ Agreement they vote on major decisions in accordance with the main shareholder at annual general meetings.

VAK Beroun is a member of the ENERGIE AG Wasser group, which is part of the Austrian infrastructure concern ENERGIE AG Oberösterreich headquartered in Linz.

The company completely owns Vodárenská společnost Beroun, s.r.o.



Vodovody a kanalizace Beroun, a.s.

Mostníkovská 255, 266 41 Beroun

IČ 46356975

 Customer Centre:     +420 311 747 111

 E-mail: vakberoun@vakberoun.cz

 Data Box ID: 7vjgxyf

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